Medical Intuitive Readings

My Story

In 2019, I ran into a traumatic event with my small business, I got sued for a website that didn’t respect regulations and risked a huge fine that a one person business would never be able to pay. I reached a point where, every day for almost a year,  i didn’t want to wake up anymore, yes you read well, i didn’t want to be alive anymore. That is when I started meditation, then one day, i entered into the light, I was completely surrounded by love and light. This was the beginning of my awakening process.

Patrice Krysztofiak

The universe had a plan

My wife was sick for many years, and despite many lab tests, no one could figure out what she had. After a silly breathwork session, I started having flashes of what was going on inside her body. At first, I thought, what is this? Then I kept receiving pictures that led me to look it up on Google images. To my surprise the first picture that showed up in the search was the source of her disease, a bunch of parasites eating her lungs and tissues from the inside! The universe had a plan for me to understand what I was seeing without any possible doubt. We could get the exact medicine needed to help her on her journey. Within a few weeks she was completely healed.

ankylostoma parasite : Credit photo unknown

As time went by, many time when I hugged someone, shook their hand or had other contact, I began being able to see inside their bodies, much like viewing an x-ray. I could actually see their mood, their true selves, and eventually their disease and warn them about it! Then I would receive messages about what to do, like “go see this specialist”, this would optimize their health journey because people would go see the right practionner immediately. With time this gift extended to erasing “dark energies” in the body of the person i would read, which would lead to somatic experiences on my side (shaking, coughing, yawning, sometimes even barfing!) and spontaneous miracles on the person’s side…

I totally embraced this journey of self discovery, and after months of practicing this skill and studying with other practitioners, I was able to do this without actual physical contact!

Today this gift has expanded to being able to “see” without distance limitations, therefore can be done remotely from any location, to any location via video conference tools such as Zoom. 

With time, i now can do this work during the day. You will find a calendar in the booking section of this website with my availabilities. I have tried to offer many time slots throughout the week to match all the possible time zones from Australia to California.

How does it work?

I am able to set an intention during meditation, and a within a few minutes, I receive messages from your energetical body, but also sometimes from your guides!

Please, be in a zone that has a GOOD internet connection, and be in a quiet environment during the session. Make sure you won’t be disturbed. The meeting will be online via ZOOM video conference.

What do i see?

I am very blessed to receive very detailed visuals that are packed with information. I will transcribe them to you as precisely as I can. Sometimes, it’s just a static picture, sometimes it’s a full HD movie!

I stumbled upon this picture on the royalty free image bank, Canva (so I bought the photo). It is extremely close to how I can sometimes see your energetical body (however, it is not guaranteed that I will see it this way). Though it is most likely to happen if you found this website. (Nothing is accidental.) I see one body part at a time and rarely the full body all at once.

x ray vision

Important Note : Please be in a relaxed state during a session, do not consume alcohol or drugs as they will disrupt your energy flow. If you use a spooky 2 device, please turn it off during the reading as it will be impossible for me to access your field.

What Information do I need from you?

The beauty of those intuitive readings is that if you don’t want to, I do not need anything from you at all if you don’t want to share your information. You can ask very open questions without any specific details.

All of your data remains private, and you can even use a nickname if you prefer to remain completely anonymous. It will work nonetheless! You don’t even have to turn your camera on if you are shy.

The way i perform the session, is usually, but not always a first scan, where I tell you what I found. Then we address your issues one by one. I found this to be the optimal way of working. Some points can not be adressed if you don’t ask, this seems to be part of the universal law: “you don’t receive help if you don’t ask for it”.

Is a medical intuitive a healthcare professional?

Short answer is NO.

I’m in no way a healthcare professional; all the advice you will receive is considered a “spiritual consultation.” The term, medical intuitive is also much more accepted in the USA than in Europe, where the subject is still actually taboo. For the moment, unfortunately, there are no other names we can use to define people like us, without some confusion about what we do. You may sometimes encounter the terms “medical empath”, “medical medium” or “psychic medical diagnosis” or sometimes “energy channeler”. I resonate the most with “energy channeler”, which is quite an abstract concept since we’re talking about invisible things, but hey, wifi is invisible too, yet it still exists!

If you are looking for the “best medical medium”, the universe has its ways, and the one you will pick will be the best for you. (yes it’s ok if you don’t pick me!), you can find many real deal practitioners on this medical intuitive practitioner directory.

Please note: Always consult a licensed healthcare practitioner for all your health problems.

How to book a medical intuitive reading with me ?

Please keep in mind that there is a strict no refund policy. I will do my best to reschedule you in case you can not make it. Also take note that I DO NOT HEAL PEOPLE and make no claims in that regard.

If no dates are available, then all the slots have been booked. The calendar is only opened up to a few weeks ahead, please check regularly, make sure to click on the following month in case nothing is available today, the calendar does not jump automatically to the next available slots.

Important: In case there are no “grey squares” around any date, that means I am fully booked up for the time period, please subscribe to the waiting list to receive notification about availability and special events with other practitioners that I trust. Click here to go to the waiting list page.


Patrice is one of the most incredible individuals I’ve ever encountered. He has helped me in ways that no medical doctor has and I cannot thank him enough for that 🙏 He is a beautiful soul and has abilities that in my opinion are unparalleled. Patrice Krysztofiak is truly a gift to humanity ❤ (Jonathon. UK)

I had the chance to do a session with Patrice. I have met an extraordinary soul, sensitive but also determined. Patrice has the gift of seeing from the inside, at the very essence of things that allows him to act deep down very quickly. He has access to the “source code”. He is an architect at the service of the divine. I wish everyone to meet him on his way. Thank you again. (Marie. France)

After 1 session, my eczema symptoms started to decrease, 84 days later, the eczema is gone! Thank you so much! (Mrs T. USA)

My experience with Patrice was absolutely magical. From the moment our session began I could feel energy all around me. Patrice straight away knew the areas of my body that needed healing he was also able to target my mental health removing the anxiety that has been plaguing me for the last 10 years!! The session was life changing and Patrice is so kind and caring, he is incredible. (Mrs F. Scotland)

Are some professionals healthcare providers working with medical psychic readings?

It is more and more frequent in the occidental world that conventional doctors team up with intuitives ! In fact more and more nurses, surgeons and other practitioners are using Reiki and similar holistic approaches in their daily job. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that working with a medical intuitive can optimize your recovery time.

There are countless examples of doctors who asked their patient “how did you do it to recover so quickly?” or “I don’t know what you are doing, but keep doing it!”.

Can you ask specific questions?

Yes, we will address all your questions one by one, as long as the energy is flowing.

Frequently asked questions

I’m looking for a medical intuitive near me, but I can’t find any! Do you do remote sessions via video calls?

Yes, all the consultations are being done over zoom.

Can I work from photos?

Yes, it is possible, but with time I have realized that it is not as effective, because we end up addressing less issues since we can not echange information with a live conversation. I only work from photos for returning clients or emergencies.

Can I work on pets?

Yes, I do! I work from photos, you do not need to bring the animal on a live zoom call.

Do you work during the day?

Yes, I do, my time zone is GMT+1 ( that is London UK time). 8 hours ahead of California. There are different time slots available through the week. Check the calendar to find the ones that match your time zone (Thursdays are ideal for Australians for example).

Can you do a reading on the week-end?

Yes. If there are availabilities, it is possible, even on a sunday.

Can you activate my psychic abilities?

I will do my best to get you there. It is always a beautiful surprise when this happens live during a session. You already need to have worked on yourself and be in a state of inner peace for this to happen. I can not guarantee that your gifts will be activated after the session, but you will move closer to your goal.

I’m in California and I can’t find an available time during the day?

There are 9am slots PST from Monday to Friday.

Interview with Guy Lawrence

From Instagram

5 thoughts on “Medical Intuitive Readings”

  1. Dear Patrice
    Thank you so much for this amazing energy healing session .
    Surprisingly My joints pain disappeared during the session and from the first moment i felt strong waves of energy through all body .
    It was amazing , you are amazing
    God Bless you

  2. Thank you so much for the group Women’s Event. So powerful, I cried tears of joy and sorrow at the same time!!

  3. Just an update from my session with you last month. I knew it would take a little time to see some results, but this I must share with you. I had been suffering from a few injuries and ailments (Lyme) to include a degradation in my eyesight.

    I am happy to report that almost everything has come back on line, to include my eyes. I also feel more relaxed and at peace, and more tolerant and accepting of things. Many things that used to matter no longer are as important to me. It seems that I can even shut off my Monkey Mind when I need the silence.


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